How Solar Panels Work
Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. They do this through a process called photovoltaic (PV) conversion, which uses semiconducting materials to absorb photons from the sun and release electrons, creating a flow of electricity.
Solar Panels and the Grid
When solar panels are connected to the grid, they can feed excess electricity back into the grid and draw from it when needed. This allows your home to have a constant supply of power, even on cloudy days or at night when the panels are not generating as much electricity.
Storing Solar Energy
The electricity generated by solar panels is stored in a battery for later use. Batteries store excess electricity during the day when the panels are generating more electricity than is needed, and release it when demand is higher, such as during the evening when the sun is no longer shining.
Making Money with Solar Energy
By selling excess electricity back to the grid, you can earn money while reducing your dependence on traditional energy sources. This is possible through net metering programs, which allow excess electricity to be credited back to the customer at the same rate they would pay for electricity from the grid.